
益生元 超級英雄系列-菊糖富集低聚果糖,其實也是主角,拯救 益生菌

益生元 超級英雄系列-菊糖富集低聚果糖,與蘋果果膠同樣稱得上為超級益生元。除了與一眾益生元一樣能提高益生菌的活性、增殖率、存活率外,他的優勢在於結合了菊糖與低聚果糖的覆蓋範圍,由於低聚果糖與菊糖分解速度的不同,使低聚果糖在腸道前端就能讓益生菌分解,而菊糖則在腸道後瑞發揮作用,使整條腸的益生菌受惠。

而正正這個優勢,比其他一般益生元效果更為顯著並帶來更多好處,在 劍橋大學 的一篇對菊糖富集低聚果糖的研究分析,顯示其好處比一般益生元更多。

什麼是 益生元 ?

益生元 Prebiotics 與 益生菌 Probiotics 很多人混淆,其實它們關係很簡單,『 益生元 是益生菌賴以生存的糧食』,益生菌是生物,就要進食,就要攝取能為它產生能量的營養,這就是益生元,一般水溶性膳食纖維也可稱為益生元,包括菊糖、低聚果糖、蘋果果膠、麥芽糊精、果寡糖、木寡糖等等,因為它不被人體吸收,而進入腸道,就能讓益生菌消化。

益生元 對 益生菌的好處


  1. 能讓益生菌存活更長,原因很易明白,沒食物益生菌能生存嗎?
  2. 能讓益生菌更有力量和更活躍,益生菌對腸道的免疫功能和對抗壞菌,都需要有足夠能量和活躍, 益生元 為 益生菌 提供能量營養,益生菌自然活力充沛。
  3. 能讓益生菌加速繁殖,世上所有生物都有種特性,當糧食不足下,就會減少繁殖,相反,糧食充足就會大量繁殖,這都是物種的生存法則,所以要給予 益生菌 足夠 益生元 才能讓益生菌增殖。

劍橋大學 對發表的一項對菊糖富集低聚果糖 研究分析



"菊粉是涵蓋所有β(2→1)線性果聚醣的通用術語。菊苣菊糖是線性β(2→1)果聚醣(聚合度(DP)2至60; DPav = 12),其部分酶水解產物是低聚果糖(DP 2至8; DPav = 4),並通過應用分離技術可以生產稱為菊粉HP(DP 10至60;菊糖DPav = 25)的長鏈菊粉。最後,通過組合菊苣長鏈菊粉(菊粉=菊糖)和低聚果糖獲得稱為菊糖富低聚果糖的特定產品。由於果糖單體中異頭C2的b-構型,菊粉型果聚醣可抵抗腸內消化酶的水解,被歸類為“不易消化”的碳水化合物,並且是膳食纖維。通過增加糞便的生物量和糞便中的水分含量,它們可以改善排便習慣,但是它們具有不同於其他纖維的特徵。


從營養標籤的角度來看,菊粉型果聚醣不僅是益生元的膳食纖維,而且還具有良好的營養價值。它們也是低熱量的碳水化合物[6·3 kJ / g(1·5 kcal / g)]。





"Inulin is a generic term to cover all β(2 → 1) linear fructans. Chicory inulin is a linear β(2 → 1) fructan (degree of polymerisation (DP) 2 to 60; DPav = 12), its partial enzymatic hydrolysis product is oligofructose (DP 2 to 8; DPav = 4), and by applying specific separation technologies a long-chain inulin knownas inulin HP (DP 10 to 60; DPav = 25) can be produced. Finally, a specific product known as oligofructose-enriched inulin is obtained by combining chicorylong-chain inulin and oligofructose. Because of the b-configuration of the anomeric C2 in their fructose monomers, inulin-type fructans resist hydrolysis byintestinal digestive enzymes, they classify as ‘non-digestible’ carbohydrates, and they are dietary fibres. By increasing faecal biomass and water content ofthe stools, they improve bowel habits, but they have characteristic features different from other fibres.

They affect gastrointestinal functions not because oftheir physico-chemical properties but rather because of their biochemical and physiological attributes.

In the colon, they are rapidly fermented to produceSCFA that are good candidates to explain some of the systemic effects of inulin-type fructans. Fermentation of inulin-type fructans in the large bowel is aselective process; bifidobacteria (and possibly a few other genera) are preferentially stimulated to grow, thus causing significant changes in the compositionof the gut microflora by increasing the number of potentially health-promoting bacteria and reducing the number of potentially harmful species. Both oligofructosead inulin are prebiotic. They also induce changes in colonic epithelium stimulating proliferation in the crypts, increasing the concentration ofpolyamines, changing the profile of mucins, and modulating endocrine as well as immune functions.

From a nutrition labelling perspective, inulin-typefructans are not only prebiotic dietary fibres; they are also low-calorie carbohydrates [6·3 kJ/g (1·5 kcal/g)]. Supported by the results of a large numberof animal studies and human nutrition intervention trials, the claim ‘inulin-type fructans enhance calcium and magnesium absorption‘ is scientifically substantiated, but different inulin-type fructans have probably a different efficacy (in terms of effective daily dose), the most active product being the oligofructose-enriched inulin. A series of animal studies demonstrate that inulin-type fructans affect the metabolism of lipids primarily by decreasingtriglyceridaemia because of a reduction in the number of plasma VLDL particles.

The human data largely confirm the animal experiments. They demonstratemainly a reduction in triglyceridaemia and only a relatively slight decrease in cholesterolaemia mostly in (slightly) hypertriglyceridaemic conditions. Inulinappears thus eligible for an enhanced function claim related to normalization of blood triacylglycerols.

A large number of animal data convincingly showthat inulin-type fructans reduce the risk of colon carcinogenesis and nutrition intervention trials are now performed to test that hypothesis in human subjectsknown to be at risk for polyps and cancer development in the large bowel."


Roberfroid, M. B. (2005). Introducing inulin-type fructans. British Journal of Nutrition93(S1), S13-S25.



德信健超凡蘋果果膠原飲,超級 益生元 ,內含2克蘋果果膠及4克菊糖富集低聚果糖。
德信健超凡蘋果果膠原飲,超級 益生元 ,內含2克蘋果果膠及4克菊糖富集低聚果糖。


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